Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Information about Womens Education Status in India

As per the Indian Education Commission - 1964-66 the education has been spelt out due to some social changes in the country. Inducement of social changes in the country, act as one of the fundamental functions that gives a separate identity to educated people. From the days of independence womens education is always remain in the headings of education department. Where they committed to open new schools, launched new schemes, providing more facilities and education services to girl students. As it always been seeing from last few decades that girl students are not allowed to pursue education or they are giving preference by their families to get higher education. It is only reason why girls remain behind from boy students. As we put some light on previous recorded data the crime on girls after marriage increases day by day. The reason is girl’s dependence upon their laws. If girl get proper knowledge and education during her primary and high school time, she will be able to get good job which improves her condition as well as improves her image in her laws. india education

From the last few years, Indian government has taken several steps in order to improve and develop the women education in india. It always move with the aim to make women education more practicable, purposeful and productive that enables women to nourish their mind with knowledge, refines their spirit, disciplines their mind and sharpens their intellect. As per the words of Dr.Radhakrishnan 1948 said that "There cannot be educated people without educated women.  If general education has to be limited to men or women, that opportunity should be given to women from them it would most surely be passed on to the next generation".

Women play an important role in the society that makes us to give more attention towards higher education of womens education in india. To reduce social and cultural differences, to strive to promote equality social justice and to provide society with competent men it is necessary to provide higher education to women.  But there are some points that makes hurdle while offering higher education to women in India like marriage is one of the main cause of early withdraw, gender stereotyping, sexual harassment as well as occasional student violence, lack of transport facilities in case of university or colleges situated at outside city area and lots more. There are several other reasons that makes very hard for women pt pursue higher education.  

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